A Hesitant Hope

Well it's beautiful outside today! Spring has sprung, or has it? I feel like singing, skipping and going for a walk in this beauty; sun shining and the air crisp but warming to the soul. Yesterday was a mixture of foggy, cold, snowy and gloomy. At the end of the day I was confused. Well, as you can see I'm hoping for Spring. But you never know what will happen in this unpredictable climate here in Utah. I'm still not used to this conflict between winter hanging on and spring wanting so bad to arrive, at least in my heart. I'm excited at least for today and that's great! And on those days that shut out the sun I just "kick up heels and say, "The Sun will come out tomorrow, Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow, they'll be sun. Just thinkin about tomorrow, clears away the cobwebs and the sorrows, till there's none. " How's that for breaking out into singing ! This hesitant hope for spring is doing my heart good!!

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1 comment:

Kristy said...

Me Tooooooo! I crave the little green tips from my gladiolas coming through the soil -- It's my happy pill. :-)

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