The Gift of Today

Well today I'm not going to put any pictures in. I just want to express my gratitude for a special Sabbath Day. It is always such a blessing for all of us when we live a day in such a way that life just seems right. You seem to notice that even the outward surroundings are in harmony with what is inside your soul and you just feel a sense of peace. I suppose there are many things that come together on a day like today. Maybe it helped that I was fasting. Or maybe it was because I just felt at peace talking to the Lord and believing that all would be well regardless of our circumstances. Maybe it's because I enjoyed being at church and hearing from others and their experiences with the Lord. And then maybe it's because I was able to bake some pumpkin pies and prepare one for Seth to take to our daughter on his way to AZ. (Mom's love to do for family) It's more likely that all of these things together contributed to the feelings of joy and peace and serenity. But, be that as it may. I am grateful - especially for family and for my caring and loving friends. And most of all I'm grateful for the Lord and His kindness to me and for knowing that He lives and loves me. Today was a day when that knowledge seemed real and strengthening to me. It isn't hard to believe on a day like today. Deep inside your soul you just know that God is real and that life has meaning. You just seem to soak it all in and just BE. And so as I watch the beautiful autumn world around, with all it's gorgeous reds, oranges and golds. As I see the leaves falling to the ground, leaving the branches bare. As I feel the nip in the air and sense that winter is coming soon. As I come to the close of day and feel that this moment in time is slipping away and soon I will lay my head down and rest. I want to express with all my heart Gratitude for Today - because it was a gift that I would like to remember.

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Emily said...

Beautifully said. You are such a warm person, Debra. Thanks for the lift.

My family Begins said...

Thanks for the Pumpkin Pies Mom. I loved the 5 pieces I consumed...who's the piggy now?

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