Happy New Year - It Doesn't Hurt to Smile !!

Life is a bit hectic right now. It seems to me that the stress that surrounded all the activities I had going in December have left me a bit ragged and unprepared for the newness of a New Year. We certainly can't predict when someone will get sick in our lives or even when we will have some illnesses to contend with ourselves. So today I'm sitting here in my computer room and am looking at a bunch of papers that are strewn all over the desk. I look in my family room and there are still Christmas boxes to put away and cleaning to be done. My laundry basket is full and there's really not much I can do about it. Poor me, I've had a hitch in the ribs get me down! Let me explain:
I have been so grateful that Mom can be here with me and that I can watch over her. But I was quite taken aback last week when a turn of events really caught me off guard. I was experiencing some pain in my neck and thought to myself that maybe I ought to try out a new Chiropractor that had been referred to me by a friend at Christmas time. I already think my present Chiropractor is great but my thinking was that I could go a couple of times and see how this other guy did and if I liked him better then I could maybe make a change. His rates were less and money is a big deal for us right now. Well it only took one adjustment for me to see that he will never do. Nothing short of a moment in time, a quick jerk, and a crunch, crunch, and pop my ribs were out!! I told him I really felt something move, and it wasn't comfortable. He assured me that he had just put my ribs back into place. Ha Ha!! I think he meant out of place. So my experiment with Chiropractors was to be short lived. I have been in pain ever since!! It hurts to breathe, cough, sneeze, lift anything at all and to turn over in bed is torture. There isn't hardly one thing I can do (including type on the keyboard here) that allows me to be pain free. So I'm back to my trusted Chiropractor and he's wondering what I did to myself. ( I don't have much to say. ) But I am so frustrated to think that right now, when I want to be a strength and support to my Mom; here I am dealing with my own pain. This is not supposed to be happening. The only thing I can do is do the best I can and move forward with a smile - (Oh that's one thing that doesn't affect my ribs - Great! I better take advantage of that movement) So... the New Year has begun regardless if I'm ready for it. No breath taking strides forward... just keeping on keeping on. And regardless of the pain of it all...

... Life is good, It doesn't hurt to smile!!

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1 comment:

Emily said...

OH, MY GOODNESS!! Debra! I hope your chiro can get you back in shape soon! I am assuming it hurts to play the violin too! :( You have a beautiful smile, so I'm glad THAT'S not effected. Good luck. So sorry.

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